This is a great winter dish to serve with some warm sake, while sitting by the fire.
The texture of the kabocha squash plays nicely with the velvety smooth miso and sake sauce. It serves four as a side dish.
It's very subtle, so you can add togarashi, minced ginger or a splash of yuzu juice to punch it up a bit.
(The how-to video is on tiktok)

Peel, seed and cut 1/2 of a large kabocha squash into medium-sized pieces.
Saute in 1 T oil, with a dried chile. Reduce the heat to medium and add 2 T sake. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes.
In a bowl, whisk together 1 T miso and 2 T sake.
Add the misos-sake mixture to the squash and let simmer for 2 more minutes.
Remove the chile pepper. Take the pan off the heat. Let cool.
Serve garnished with green onion.